Friday, September 15, 2006

Pea Pod Progress?

Yes, there is progress to report on the Pea Pod sweater. No, you won't get a picture of it right away. I have both sleeves and the body done, and want to wash/block them before sewing them together. If I'm feeling extra-ambitious, I'll photograph them while they dry. Meantime, here's a pic of the podster-to-be: Three months old now, learning to sit up and do all kinds of cute stuff. In the background you can just about see my sis-in-law. We were all at breakfast at Mimi's so Baby G could meet his Vegas relatives, who were in town for a quick turnaround.
In other knitting news, I'm still plugging away on the blue shawl which is the "practice" piece for the Silk Rhapsody. It's into its fourth ball (it's navy blue Wool-Ease, which has great yardage) and I think when I get to the end of this ball, I will call it done. Then it will get washed and blocked (which, with W-E, means a trip through the washer and dryer) and packed up along with the white Candleflame, for a trip to CT.
Once P.P. and the blue shawl are done, I'm going to try to finish Birch (who sometimes deserves to spell her name with a T instead of an R), sew up the Map of the World and do its neckband, and by then it may even be cool enough to work on my current Ab Fab. Didn't know I had an AbFab in progress? Well, with all that mohair, it's waaaayyy too warm to work on in the summer. But, it's beautiful, and I'll be getting back to it as soon as we have some cooler days and nights.


mary said...

The carrot is the most adorable little pea pod I've ever seen! Can't wait to see him in spring green.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marie:

That baby is the cutest! Dennis grandson isn't even holding his head up very well - I think all my kids did but I can't remember. What a living doll your baby grandson is. Very strong little guy.

Two born the same day to friends. Both boys and 7 pounds 9 oz each.I held the babies and it stirred up all kinds of 'Mother' instincts. I forgot they were so tiny!

I like the Grandmother part really well. (grin)