This is why: 14 empty trash cans at my curb. Eleven of those held cardboard; the rest were "house trash."
All gone, and the nicest thing about it is that they sort and recycle at the plant. So none of it will go to waste, at least none of the recyclable stuff, like all that cardboard.
Used kitty litter? No comment.
So, onward to other topics on this momentous post-election day. I don't think it's any secret to anyone who knows me that I'm a down-deep Democrat, and even something of a bleeding-heart liberal, and I almost always have faith that people are basically going to to the right thing. I'm delighted with the election of President Obama, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's going to happen in the next four years.
I'm not so happy that Proposition H8 passed. In fact, I'm astounded and unhappy about it. I'm not going to dwell on it here; but I will be watching to see what happens next, with a great deal of interest.
The lawyer in me (she's not buried by a long shot!) is fascinated by the legal maneuvering, if nothing else.
Okay, so let's talk yarn instead. I did get to spend some time actually knitting both last night and today, and it's a very pleasant topic. Plus I got a couple (cough cough) of packages today, and I thought I'd share them.
This one is a Webs closeout, Filatura di Crosa Zarone, in hot pink. I love their Zara and Zarina, so how could I resist a bulkier version of the stuff at $2/ball?
Hey, I'm only human!
Then there is the Kauni. I think I've gone off the deep end for Kauni.
Two balls of deep red. A hank of rose/cream/beige, and one of shaded dark roses.
Oh, and a ball of blue/purple and one of grey/cream/purple.
Yes, I have fallen off the wagon. But in my defense? When else can I get such great buys on Kauni?
Yes, I do plan to knit with it all. Just wait and see!
I'm not going to just pet it and talk to it. Nuh-huh.
I'm going to knit with it.
The bottom package looks like the colors I got for my mom's sweater.
They sell Kauni at Webs? Off to go look.
Well, I could understand it if you wanted to pet and talk to it a little bit before the knitting commences!
I'm also very disappointed by Prop 8; probably as disappointed as I am thrilled every time I hear the words "president-elect Obama" on the radio! I just wish I knew what to do about that prop at the local level; it seems like everyone should be able to get behind not using a constitution to take away rights...
Love the zarone! I think you need to add to your blog a daily segment called daily deals. Share the shopping love, ET! I love that you pet your yarn and I hope someday it talks back to you (in a nice way, of course).
Yummmm...fresh new yarn! Gorgeous!
It was so sweet of you to grab that purple Kauni for me!
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