Yes, there has been knitting. Voila!
Madgik finished a baby blanket today. Very very cute--soft, fuzzy, black with furry red trim. There's going to be a little devilish baby hat to go with it--too too rock n' roll!
The funniest part of this was her absolute horror at working with furry yarns again--so much so that the leftover yarns went directly into the trash can! I think she's really just
OVER the funfur phase...
Is this not the cutest, cutest, most adorablest baby bootee ever?? It is definitely squeeee-worthy!

This was
Mary's project today. She will s how you photos when the pair is done, complete with their little buttons, but honestly--too much! Now I have to find the copy of the pattern I downloaded, and start a pair for
Sweet Pea.
How much stuff got moved out of my house during the sale?
Let's see: this many empty tubs' worth.

Oh, and this many too:

Simon says, what happened to my house??

More stuff to go:

Rocks! This rockpile has been around for quite a number of years. Some of the rocks came out of the concrete in the old driveway, including the two that I always tripped on when getting out of the car.
Bricks too. Himself had a "thing" about bricks, and he loved his brick pile.

The brick pile before.

Rock pile after.

Brick pile after.
Rocks and bricks have gone to live with Mary U. She's been wanting bricks to build a planter with, and rocks to build a rock garden on.
Hey, after all her help with the yard sale, it's only fair, right??
Tonight is "dinner with the Ds" and more knitting time. I've cast on for a blanket for Sweet Pea, which I will take pictures of and post as soon as it looks like more than four rows of garter stitch! (It's the
Totally Autumn blanket from Knitty, only done in Lotus Yarns' Lullaby colorway. You'll have to use your imagination for a bit. But there are only 8 rows of garter in the border, so be patient!)
And yes, we seem to be developing a vegetable theme for the latest crop of grandkids. First the Carrot, and now Sweet Pea. That's partly because the invitations for the baby shower have a little pea-in-the-pod theme, and it's just a cute way to refer to the baby-to-be. However, I draw the line--there will be no turnips, rutabagas, zucchini or Brussels sprouts! (Hmmm... just remembered that my dad always referred to D2 as his "hot tomato." Guess the veggie theme isn't so new after all!)