But let's begin at the beginning. I don't even remember how all this started, but I got involved in a Day Out with friends. KD and I headed to the wilds of Burbank (Toluca Woods? Really??) to meet up with CBM for lunch, coffee, and knitting at Romancing the Bean, a website-less spot in the aforementioned Burbank. After much knitting, noshing, and general jollity, the gleesome threesome made their way to Unwind for some yarn fondling. Yummm. Then KD and I headed out to Studio City for (of all things) buttons. Yes, Pea Pod needs buttons (still) and the hope was to find some charming and appropriate buttons for PP and for KD's pink-and-red sweater. Results? Mixed. KD got some, I didn't. But wow, what an experience La Knitterie is! For true yarnaholics, I think this is probably the equivalent of a three-day-bender with associated memory loss. Wow!
Do you think I got to rest? Ah, no. It was also the night of the quilt guild's annual Holiday Dinner. More festivities, more food, great company and presents! presents! If I remember I will take pics--well, I can't exactly photograph Lisa's contribution, since it was in a gold See's box and said "Eat Me!"
Work continues to be busy and I have to say, I am enjoying it. I love setting up a nice display and then having it disappear into people's hands. I am such a book pusher. Love those books! And, yes, a number of them have made their way home with me. Wanna know what some of them are? Sure you do! (Partial listing, ok? Don't wanna short out Blogger!)
1. Lisey's Story. I don't normally read Stephen King (except that I love love love his nonfiction books on writing) but the theme of this one is appealing to me.
2. The Shape Shifter. I really like Tony Hillerman's style.
3. Deadly Slipper by Michelle Wan. A new (to me anyway) mystery writer.
Okay, off to re-examine the latest Knitty. C'mon, Sknitty, let's dish!