This is the lavender Shedir (out of Rowan Calmer) that I started back at the end of March. It's for D2 and will probably go into a mailing bag today, unless I decide to give it a bath first.
Why would it need a bath? Well, it's been all over the place.
Started it at Asilomar, and worked on it through some of the evening programs during the conference.
It's been to knitting group. It's been worked on at the house, and we know the condition the house has been in, aka dirt, dust, plaster bits and wood particles everywhere.
Then of course it was put on a charming and cooperative model.
Well, wouldn't you say this was charming and cooperative? As well as adorable?
Yes, little Missy A came to knit group, and she has learned to behave in a manner befitting a Knitting Princess. She had company, since Beth brought Cormac. They were only mildly interested in each other, since the concept of "play with" is pretty much absent from the little ones. But they were cute.
And that's what counts!
Finishing off with a shot of my Mother's Day flowers from D1 and her crew. They're posed on my new island in the middle of my new kitchen. There will be pictures soon--the handles for the cabinets have arrived, and will be installed shortly. I hope.
Yes, the Project is coming to a close. We are currently waiting for two new doors to arrive; once they get here, they and the other doors that were taken down will be hung, the knobs etc will go on, and then it will be time for the Floor Guy to do his "thing." Which ought to include finishing a new trap door (the tile one was not really okay lookswise, and it was too heavy for most humans to lift, so it's being replaced with wood, which was what I wanted in the first place) and another coat of finish on the floors.
Then to the opening of the Bins of Doom. It will be nice to have my "stuff" back but oh, what a job it will be finding places for it all! I can already tell you that the "place" for some things is going to be the Goodwill. Not the yarn or fabric, though! Nope!