Things have been humming along here at Chez Melon d'eau. Last Saturday was a case in point. Not only was it the first anniversary of our Pasadena Daytimers SnB group--a lovely lovely luncheon:

FayLynn and Annette were trying to confuse our waiter, Tyce...

Beth and Jillian, I apologize if you don't like this picture. You are both so much prettier in person. Now, Mary has a smile that can light up a room all by herself... Those gift bags on the table were from Joan,

who had filled them with knitterly goodies, most of which she had either made or painted. I need to get some pictures of them so you can see too!
The next stop for me on the busy trail was an open house/shower for my new grandson:
He had a lovely time at his party. This is mostly what he did. Actually, it's what he mostly does. At one month, I guess that's to be expected--gee, after almost 30 years, is it any wonder that I've kinda forgotten what newborns are like?
Once again, though, I had to leave. Work beckoned. Actually, it sort of stood there with a flaming sword and said, "Come!"
But, as the LaLa picture will show, the luncheon/LaLaLong was a great success. And when we gathered on Wed. for our usual free-for-all, there was show and tell!
Now it's back to work for me... I do remember thinking, once upon a time, that it would be a good idea for me to get a job. Guess it's still a good idea...