I love this little ferny one. I'd love to see this as part of a quilt. Suddenly I understand the urge to print one's own fabric!

This is our classroom building. It's one of the newer ones and located across the street from the main Asilomar campus. This means a hike to and from the dining hall. Possibly a good thing, since otherwise I'd be sitting at the machine all day.

It would be a shame to do that when there's so much natural beauty to enjoy here. The sea has been a little choppy, it's been cool and windy, but really pleasant. I'll take high 40s--low 50s any time!

Some process photos. These aren't in any particular order because I'm still getting used to how Blogpress handles photos. Besides, it's late, I'm tired, I have a glass of wine and did I mention our bedroom has a fireplace and the elves build us a new fire each day?

My particular project involves lots and lots of shortish seams. Each one gets pressed and trimmed before the next piece is added. The unit you see above (light and dark blues) has 8 pieces per unit, and I'm making 96 of them.

The one here (oranges and dark blues) has only 6 pieces and there are only 48 of these.

...which get pieced into 12 stars. This is just a layout, as there are other pieces attached before they get sewn together, but I wanted to see how it would look.

And, back to more sewing.

Meals are served in the dining hall, and the chef is really excellent. They use as much local produce and locally-sourced ingredients as they can, there are usually at least three choices per meal, and the desserts are wonderful. Baked on site.
And then it's back to work. The enjoyable kind of work!

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