This is a Comfort Shawl which will be headed for Conn. as soon as it's done. I'm using two shades of Jiffy--the darker one is called San Francisco, and I have no idea where it came from. The price tags say "Walmart $1.27" and I know for sure I didn't buy it there! (I went into a Walmart once, and it was so depressing I haven't ever been back. Target all the way, baby!)
Digressions aside, it's coming along. I think it will be warm and cheery. There will be two stripes of the paler color, and three of the darker. It's currently about halfway done, and it makes good "coffee knitting" or "watching something exciting on TV" knitting.
Next up, the Ab Fab in progress. It's coming out stripier than I had expected but I'm liking it all the same.
Definitely an interesting knit, unless one is (as I am) bored to tears with feather-and-fan. At least the color changes keep me awake.
Okay, here's my "problem child." I think this photo emphasizes the problem I'm having with this little blankie for Audrey.
The yarn is gorgeous--love the color, it knits like buttah, especially on my Options. The lace pattern in interesting, with only a few rows that require close attention. I think there will be enough yarn for at least 7 repeats, most likely 9. But I think the pattern is obscured by the yarn's variations. What do you think? It's currently one repeat and a part of a second in; should I frog it and use the yarn for something else?
Lady E III. I love the way the Tapestry shades--the color runs are long enough to do at least one and sometimes two blocks and the color-blocks don't pool much. It's another one of those wonderful projects--yarn, needles, and pattern all coming together to make for a fun and satisfying knit.
We're decorated for the holidays. (Thanks to D1 and her family for the wreath. It smells wonderful!)
Here's the holly bush I mentioned. You can see that the berries aren't as vivid a red as the traditional English holly, nor are the leaves as deep a green.
Been a while since you've seen a cat photo here, so I took a couple today while I was trying to fold laundry. My little "helpers" were equally busy.
Simon curled up in the basket and went to sleep. Can you tell which "parts" are visible here??
HiHi took it upon himself to keep the folded bath towels warm. Wouldn't want your towels to feel chilly, would you?
Didn't think so.
And, what's left of the berries.
Crumbs, and empty wrappers.