Or, aaahhh-chooooo! Still not sure if this is allergy or infection, or some of both, but whatever it is, it can go away already.
But it's December, and somewhere there is ice and snow and real winter weather. Here, well, we had a little rain the other day, and it left a dusting of powder on top of the mountains, and snarled traffic, and we had Severe Weather Warnings. Because, you know, we got a whole inch and a half. Yes, 1.5" of rain.
There is more due this weekend, and I think its major purpose will be to mess with my plans to get the holiday decorations out. But we'll see.
In the meantime, I am busily working on Christmas gift knitting. I have a rather ambitious project--don't tell on me, in case I don't make it, okay?--of making hats for all the grands. With the great-grand, and the grand-in-law, that's a total of 14. I'm plugging away at it, and making progress.
Look, I even did this: that's me with my knitting, in front of the MGM lion, in the lobby of the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas. Who else do you know who goes to Vegas to knit?
Well, knit, and spend time with the daughters, and cuddle the great-grandbaby too. This was not my first trip to Vegas, but it was the first time I've stayed in one of the big hotels on the Strip.
It was an experience.
But I didn't gamble. Some things never change!