Continuing the saga of what I'm beginning to think of as Jeff And Marcia's Big Adventure--met up at
Flappy Jack's in Glendora, along Route 66. Yes,
that Route 66. The one I drove out to California on mumbledy-mumble years ago...
But that's another story!
So here's Big G deciding on his breakfast--of course, he already knew what he wanted.
Pancakes, eggs, bacon...lots of ketchup.
Plus a little help from Dad getting that big ol' pancake cut up!

When you get three camera-shy people in one picture, it definitely is "one for the books." Jeffrey (aka #2 Son) always wears his Red Sox shirts when he comes out here, because he has to "represent" for the team.
We do have a good bunch of Red Sox fans in the family. It's not too much of a stretch for the Dodger fanatics (like, for instance, the G-man!) to also root for the Sox, since they're in different leagues.
And of course when the Sox are playing the Angels, it's a perfect excuse to go down to Angel Stadium for a night of impartial cheering. Personally, I like it when it doesn't matter to me which team wins... I know, I'm a pretty disgraceful fan. Oh well, I can live iwth it!
After all, I grew up cheering for the Aldenville A's, my dad's 4-A team, which actually won the national championship one year--they went to nationals three or four times. Good team!
An uncle and his nephews. This gives you a good idea of the size difference between the boys--they are less than 2 years apart in age! (N8 has just turned 5, and G will be 7 at the end of May.)
They are playing on the same "Shetland" league team this year. Should be a fun year of cheering for this memere. G has played T-ball for the last 2 years, but N8 is a complete rookie.
The morning wound up with a session in the boys' back yard, with Dad and Uncle Jeff pitching to them. G is an impressive hitter--his coach is impressed, anyway, and he hits lots of "home runs" over the fence at home. The sad part of that is that the neighbor on the other side of the fence is the kind of grinch who won't return balls that land in his yard--he puts them in his trash. We had a similar grinchy neighbor when we lived on the cul-de-sac: he wouldn't allow the kids to step on his lawn to retrieve a ball.
So I would generally do it. He would glare at me, but I could glare back too. He had a poor little tree in his front yard that was trimmed down to 8 branches, and he'd shake it in the fall to make all the leaves fall off. I caught him more than once trimming the tree in my yard that hung over our fence--at 10 pm ot night!!
Anyway, this was my breakfast today: lemon blueberry pancakes. So yummy! And no, I wasn't able to finish them all, and I never used any of that syrup.
We won't discuss that whipped "cream."
Tonight I worked a bit on getting ready for my upcoming seminar at Asilomar. First step, clear the decks and get organized.
Cutting mat and tools--check.
Baggies for the foundation papers and templates--check
Okay... time to start! At least I got my foundations and templates cut and put into their respective baggies. Then I got out the purple post-its (if it's srs bsns it needs purple post-its!) and figured out what colors would go where, and labeled them all accordingly.
Cutting is for another day.
I'll leave you with this one last image. It's one of the flannels I'm going to be cutting into squares for ragg quilts. Check the copyright date on that pattern.
Yeah. 2005. Now, I'm sure I bought it after that date--in fact, I can almost say for sure it was 2008--but still.
The ragg quilt project has been put on the back burner. Right now, I'm going to concentrate on getting ready for Asilomar, and finishing up some of the binding projects and doing a little knitting too. I'd love to get Debby's ragg quilt snipped and washed and off to her this week.
We'll see how well that goes. Tomorrow is another stage in Jeff And Marcia's Big Adventure--an afternoon with the whole SoCal crew!