Ever have one of those experiences when suddenly the whole house shakes and there's hideous noises coming from over your head? That's what happened to me today. I didn't remember till I went out to see what was going on that today was the day the roofers were coming.

They did a lot of repair work, all over the roof, so I guess it really needed it. Good job, though, and nice fast response to the problem.

Simon says he doesn't think I want to shred stuff. I've already taken out five bags of shredding--do I really want to do more? When I could be petting a cute little cat?
Hi-Hi has the same idea. He likes to be near me--today he's "warming" the tubs of kitty litter. Isn't he decorative? He had a "needy" night which meant I didn't get much sleep--sigh. It was also one of those nights when the house didn't cool off so I had to run the fan all night so I could sleep.

Have I mentioned lately I don't like hot weather? It's been over 95 today.

Another reason there's very little knitting content in this post. We've been going through stuff. Bye-bye, beloved '80s sweaters. And all those turtlenecks I can't wear any more (too warm). And D4 is even getting rid of some of the clothes she wore in grade school. Did I mention she is well past high school?

Okay, here's the yarny goodness for today. Since the Harlot posted her STR, I guess it's safe to do mine. Also, there's the Yarn Pirate Bitter Valley that came to me courtesy of
Seattle Marie. Yummy--very nice. Of course, mine will not be socks. No, it won't. Maybe a shawl, or a scarf or two, but not socks. I know, I might get drummed out of the STR club if it ever gets out... Now all I need to do is keep on clearing out stuff, until I have a flat spot to set up the swift and ball winder. That means, back to the shredder. After I evict Simon!