The Before door shot: (that's reflections of the rosebushes in the window)
Gee, I dunno why I wanted to bother replacing it--surely it has many more years of service left!
Compare to the After door shot:
Still needs locksets, and painting and stuff, but won't it be nice?
Yes, there is knitting going on. Pea Pod now has two sleeves that are moving toward completion; the blue shawl (the "test pattern" which will eventually be done in Silk Rhapsody) is on its 4th ball of Wool-Ease, and I think it will be pretty when it's done. Tonight I'll be knitting again, at Starbucks' patio, and I might even take Birch along for an outing, if she promises to be good.
Knit photos as soon as there is something more to be seen!