It's just that tonight I'm rather tired, so I'm having trouble figuring it out. Maybe I'll just need to repost the picture every so often??
However--since the first set of colors is blue, grey, and white, I'm in-like-Flynn. I have probably cornered the market on blue, grey, and white yarns. Not to mention inks and paper for scrapbooking and cards... And fabric. Oh yeah, lots and lots of blue and white and silver fabric. And plain grey.
Not to mention the grey hair. And blue eyes. Oh, yes, I will be in my glory with this colorway! We'll see how well I do with some of the others, though. One thing I can be sure of: I will always have enough yarn and fabric and paper and inks to participate!
You will have noted, however, that I am NOT doing the "Knit from your stash" thing. I am organizing mine, and downsizing it, which will mean doing mostly stash knitting--but hey, when Webs is practically GIVING away pretty mostly-wool yarn, what's a girl to do??
The little BLUE Irish Crawling Scarf is moving right along. There will be pictures as soon as it looks sufficiently different to warrant photography--or it's done, one or the other. Except for that, not too much knitting going on here, too busy trying to get over this galloping crud I've been fighting for the last month!