I have mentioned a few times here, and on Ravelry, that I am currently driving around in a Yarnmobile.
This is because, in the midst of packing up my house for the Renovation Project, I sorta panicked about the current WIPs and decided that they needed to be "protected" along with all my important papers, and stashed them in the
So anyway. Closeups include some of my new yarns, like my pretty Kauni from Webs. And my STR and Yarn Pirate club yarns.
Yummies! The Wool-Ease isn't there. Don't look at it. It's gonna be hats for the granddaughters, maybe. Another year.
The other bags are going to come with me. Oh, yes, did I mention (for the 400th time) that I leave for Asilomar in the morning? Yay for clean air, fresh ocean air--the conference grounds are right on the beach--and nothing to worry about but my quilting. I'm leaving the house project in the capable hands of D4--hey, she can yell at the contractor at least as loudly as I can! I know I won't have much knitting time while I'm there, but there will be times (like the evening programs) when I will want to knit a bit. And yes, I will try to post regularly from there--it's such a great experience that I really do want to share it! Go here for details!
I will close with a vignette from Easter, showing our ice cream cake.
Hey, it's a yellow "peanut" m & m, but ice cream--all the way through, except for a couple of layers of fudge. With mini m&m candies inside.
And a knife in its middle.
What can I say, we are a sick family.
Well, how else do you cut a cake? Huh?