Wednesday, January 06, 2016

Allietare! Mystery Quilt, Part I & An Apology

Well, this is what happens when Life gets in the way of quilting! I had this post all prepped and ready to go--just needed a little text added to the pictures, and then my family got smacked hard. It's not my story to share, but let's just say December was truly a wild ride!
So here's a quick rundown on the beginning of the Mystery Quilt from Quiltville and Bonnie Hunter!
I picked out my fabrics and started working on the first clue. Here's the neutrals I'm using--I sorta-kinda thought I'd match them to the colors they'd be going with.

Neutrals.. white with a touch of color.
The rest of the fabrics.  Bonnie chose colors for her quilt that reminded her of a trip to Tuscany. I like the combo of dark red, gold, black, grey and white so that's what I picked too. There are several of these that have a star print. We shall see how this works out!

The first clue involved cutting a whole lot of squares in grey and neutral. So that's what I did!

Yes, they have become half-square triangles. I took them to class with me as a "something to work on till someone needs me" project. 

I will admit here that I'm much further along, and I promise to try to update the blog with my further progress. I've also got another project going that has taken priority over this one... and yes, I will blog about it!

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