Some weekends are more productive than others. I'd rank this one as one of the less productive!
I did manage to get the 6 quilts trimmed down ready for binding. Actually took a lot more effort than I had anticipated, but now it's done.
The blue is the back of the Gabba quilt. Once I had it spread out, I realized that, oh yeah, I had asked for a design with ABCs in it! The way the letters are swirled around, they are legible from both sides.
Cute, huh?
The other is the back of the Chicopee quilt.
Sieve-brain here had forgotten that this one is quilted with a jigsaw puzzle pattern.
Just because.
Here you can see that the back is two different fabrics. They go pretty well together, and they do complement the front, so I'm pleased with my choice. I'm not, always, but I seem to have done better with this batch of quilts.
It really was a nice warm day on Saturday--perfect weather for a baseball game!
Well, until late afternoon, when the wind picked up and it got just a wee bit chilly. Once the sun went down, it got cold.
I know, this is all relative by SoCal standards. We have no snow, no rain, and low 60's--high 50's isn't really a hardship.
You can tell it was windy by the way the high clouds are stretched super thin up there. We should have had some rain this last week, but it blew right by us.
So, baseball. The boys are in the Shetland Pony League and they play at this lovely park. No bleachers, but plenty of space to set up chairs.
Here's Big G up at bat. He's 6 now, and although he's a big 6, he's not the tallest kid on the team--the tallest boy is a week older than he is!
G's coach calls him "the talent." He's a good hitter, actually hit a home run in this game, plus got a couple of solid 2- and 3-baggers, and managed a terrific catch of a pop fly. His fielding is getting a lot better, too.
Here's younger brother N8, also up at bat. He managed a couple of good base hits and was able to score twice.
Usually he plays catcher, and he's learning more about the position. His mom says the first few games he was playing target rather than catcher, but last night he was hustling for the ball and even at one point took it away from the umpire to set it on the T for the hitter.
In this division, they have one or two kids on each team who are designated as able to use the T--if they miss their first two swings, they get two more on the T. Of course, this will be ending shortly.
N8 is 5, and his fielding is pretty hilarious. Last night his mom caught him doing the Macarena in the outfield, while Auntie Megi spotted him doing the Running Man. At least he can do a convincing crouch when the coach tells them to get ready!
Some confusion about the final score of the game-- I guess scorekeeping at this level is not an exact science! I was happy to see that the coaches, while serious about the whole enterprise, aren't totally BSC about it.
There was a very pretty sunset, too.
Next time, I'm taking a thermos of hot coffee, or at least stopping at the drive-thru for something warm to drink!
Sunday I decided that it would be good to replenish my supply of chowder--and I had milk and potatoes, so of course that's what I did.
I do rather like cooking, and at least with something like this, it doesn't make such a ridiculously huge quantity that I won't get it finished.
It came out really good this time--I used Yukon Gold potatoes this time instead of the Red Rose from the last time, and I had milk rather than half and half.
So I guess this is a bit lighter but it tastes just as rich, and it's just as thick, so that was a pretty successful adaptation. And the YG potatoes seem to have cooked up a bit softer and have soaked up more of the clambroth flavor too.
Now I have lunches for a week, plus I passed some along to Meg and E when they came to pick up the recycling that I save for them.
Other than that? Not much else to show for the weekend. Guess I should stop trying to Do All The Things and just relax and enjoy the balmy weather and more relaxed pace?
Yeah, sure.
Yes, it might not hurt NOT to accomplish something every minute of the weekend. Your soup prep that you put on Facebook looked so yummy I opened a can of Progresso New England Clam Chowder. (You weren't thinking I would cook, were you?) It was pretty good, very thick and creamy and mostly real ingredients. I even have another serving left.
I wonder whether it would work to add some potato to the Progresso chowder.
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