Wednesday, December 31, 2008

End of the Year

NOTE: Blogger is not letting me upload pictures right now. So there might be a picture post later, but I'm not going to let it stop me from posting. So there, Blogger!!

Last day of the year. It's certainly been a year of changes, of upheavals and disruptions and lots of new things! I was trying to decide if this post should be about the year just past, or if I should use it to look forward to the next year. 2009 certainly promises to have a lot of surprises, and if it follows true to form, not all of them will be pleasant.

And most of them will be things we as individuals have little or no control over. So here's my list of things I want to see happen over the next year, with a little rambling added for auld lang syne!

One of the things I need to get working on is finishing the organizing and setting up of the house. I know it would have been done a long time ago, had it not been for that last fall back in June, which messed me up in a lot of ways. Of course, that could just be a pipe dream; maybe it would still be in the same state it's in. So:

1. the office needs to be organized and set up so that we have a place to do bills, and mail, and use the computer for fun and "work" without blocking off the passageway and without having to spread everything out on the dining room table.

2. the sewing center needs to be set up and organized. This is going to involve organizing and going through both the fabric and yarn stashes, and the button stash as well. Oh yeah...the buttons. Let's not think about those just yet.

3. the garage needs to be organized and cleaned out, too. There are still a lot of boxes out there that have things in them that we're missing--like the platters to the daisy dishes. Twice now, we've had to improvise on carving and serving the turkey, because the platters are still packed. And the Geo. Foreman is still missing, too. As are the bulb and lamp for the floor lamp. My Ott lights work all right, but aesthetically? well, they don't exactly exude "Craftsman" ambience!

4. There's that extra 30 lbs. I'm lugging around. Yeah, it's time for it to go. Not sure how compatible that goal is with the FMS, but we'll have to see.

5. I'm needing to "get out" more, I think. Why do I sit at home, wishing I had a knitting group to go to, when there are groups meeting all over town if I'd just get up and go? Ditto the Friday night quilting. It will be nice to have my own place to sew, but it will be even better to have people to get together with and bounce ideas around with.

There. That's not such an imposing list, after all. I'm going to sign on for Mission: Possible 2009 (on Ravelry) and also take part in the Feel Like a Floozy GKA this week--not so incompatible, really. Casting on several projects is a good way to get started on winnowing down the stash. I just need to remember to "shop stash first" whether it's a quilt or a knitting project. Or crochet.

What's your take on the whole New Year process? Are you planning to do more/less/change? Inquiring minds want to know!


Nan said...

that's a very nice, manageable list. I'm sure you'll do well with it.

I'm focusing today on what to leave behind and tomorrow, it will be goal setting for 2009.

Unknown said...

Those are great goals!

I just had an idea for organizing your buttons (if you don't already have a way in mind):
Baseball card boxes!

They're deeper than bead organizers, so you could have many/large buttons stored no problem. And they're transparent usually. I'd get 10 or so and just start dropping them in by color, type, size, etc. :D

Jerry said...

I think by keeping the list to a reasonable size makes it much easier to achieve. We've turned to a simpler lifestyle as well.

Annette said...

Good list. I'm still thinking about my goals for the new year. I plan on keeping them realistic and attainable too.

Sheepish Annie said...

Those are all excellent goals for the upcoming year. I tend to avoid goal-setting as I almost always forget all about them before March rolls around. I look forward to seeing you achieve all your dreams for '09!

Madge said...

Good luck on accomplishing your goals, and Happy New Year!

Me, I need to lose more weight, so I'm gonna keep working on that. And to challenge myself at knitting.

DPUTiger said...

I want to sew more. I want to manage my time better so I can "flush" work when I'm done for the day. As long as I have this crappy job, I may as well get into some better habits! Oh, and I'll race ya on getting rid of that extra 30 lbs!

Knitting Linguist said...

I like your list -- it seems like it's focused on the most important and realistic stuff. I need a list like that! My new year's lists tend to be focused more on changing my attitude toward certain things: exercise, keeping things in order, etc, in hopes that the rest will follow. Sometimes it works... ;)

Anonymous said...

Inspiring list - I want to get on an exersize regime, something is better than nothing, right? ...and make more investments in making my home my sactuary. I've learned it helps to take goals and break them down to quarterly/monthly goals and when you think financial, spiritual, work, etc., include "messes" which is anything you beat yourself up about or weighs on you that way - small chipping away at those goals is so rewarding. Happy New Year! Foosh