The other book, Kristin Nicholas' Kristin Knits, was raved about by Fay Lynn, so that's a good recommendation! Besides, I am all about the color. As well as the texture.
I'm not smart enough to figure out how to rotate this picture--that or it's too late to do it. Take your pick.
In any case, these two books feed into my curiosity about some of the historic aspects of knitting, and some of the kinds of knitting t hat have evolved over the years.
I'm all about the fisherman sweaters. Here's a little proof: this box contains 9 skeins of cream-colored Bartlettyarn, destined for (perhaps?) one of the ganseys in the Cables, Diamonds, Herringbones book. While I love heavily cabled Aran sweaters, there is also something very appealing to me about the more subtle patterning in the ganseys. This book, by Sabine Domnick, is a new translation of a 2004 German original, and I love its combination of historical photos, patterns, and "workshop" approach to designing a sweater.
Because, of course, as we all know, I don't have enough in my queue!
I did join the Ravelry group dedicated to Knitting Down the Stash 2008, which I'm hoping will inspire me to actually--gasp--knit from my stash next year! One of the things I like about it is that it isn't a "no new yarn" kind of thing--rather, it's a way to utilize that yarn that called so eloquently not so long ago. Or long ago, as the case may be--some of it has been marinating for quite a while. I'm thinking of the white mohair that came from Australia when we were there in--was it really 1988? The Australian Bicentenary. Yeah, that was 1988.
But I digress. This is what happens when I talk about stash: the memories and associations come flooding in.
Maybe it's time for some of those memories to become garments, so they'll be more accessible. What a concept!
My biggest hurdle to actually knitting down the stash is the fact that I'm sitting here waiting for "the finishing elves" to come and put my knitted sweaters together.
If you see the little buggers, please tell them they're overdue in Pittsburgh and give them my forwarding address!
Ooh, can I drool over you Boho Baby book next time I see ya? I definitely see Audrey as a funky baby with style; she'll rock the funky hard!
Ooh, I wanna see Boho Baby, too, please. (I've pestered Tom to get it for me for Xmas, but can't wait to see it in person.) Always so much fun seeing what books you have in your library.
We also have to plan our strategy for Stash Knit Down 2008. It's gonna be hard to rein myself in, but I'm committed if you are! (verifiable, probably, but you know what I mean)
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