Friday, April 21, 2006

The Easter Bilby Came to Visit

Yes, he did! He came with Youngest Daughter's friend Melanie from Australia. Seems that, in Oz, rabbits are such a pest/nuisance, that having an Easter Rabbit would be akin to us having an Easter Cockroach. Enter the bilby, an unassuming little marsupial whose claim to fame is a sorta-rabbity appearance. Oh, do Google it--you know you want to! In the meantime, blogtime has been rather cut short by the death of the computer. Yup, poor thing fried in an electrical storm--and how often does that happen in SoCal anyway? YD's husband, who is our resident computer guru, has declared it's deader than the proverbial doornail, so I finally broke down and ordered a new one. I am hoping that it will come soon, as I miss being able to upload pictures--and we've gotten some good ones lately, too. Daughter Meg took the camera out to get some shots of the baby daffodils, the camellias, and the roses. On another front, the WIP-busting is continuing. The blue butterfly shawl has been finished (got a great shot of Madge modeling it at SnB) and the beige Candleflame has also been extinguished. I made a serendipitous find in my garage--a box of blue yarns that I'd been looking at finally called to me strongly enough; I brought the box into the house, cleaned off its lid (my garage is not very tidy), and lo and behold, not only was there some lovely yarn in it, there was also the beginnings of a sweater--2" of ribbing and another 14" of a pretty lace pattern, still on my beloved ancient size 7 Balenes! Now, the best part is that I was actually able to figure out the pattern, and have done several more repeats--it's now going to be a shawl. Pics soon!


Anonymous said...

Marie, there was no rain storm today, but beautiful sun, and guess what............ Our power was out for 3 hours. I still don't know what happened. The neighbors were out also.

I googled, and the bilby is a funny bunny LOL. I guess he likes to "vacuum" the yard of bugs.

Can't wait to see the finished shawl, it is beautiful so far.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new 'puter!! Sounds like you've been busy. I'd love to see your Candleflame shawl, especially.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the WIP busting continues apace. Yes, we need pics of all your lovies when the new computer is up and running.

Don't you just love marsupials? They're such Dr. Suessian creatures. Think you can spin bilby fur? lol

mary said...

Hurray for new computers and especially for newly found yarn (I think)! Sorry, Easter Bunny is way cuter than Easter Bilby. I have an aversion to rodent-like creatures, and if you spin Bilby fur, I may have to sit on the other side of the group. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Marie:

Wow, isn't it interesting what our ancient stashes hide? Occasionally, a treasure! What fun to find some really beautiful yarn. Send me a picture of your progress or shawl when you can.


PS Rats! How often does that sort of lightening hit in Southern Cal? Once in a million times it fry a surge protected computer. Rotten luck. I am glad you have a new one on the way.
Never heard of a bilby. I will go look it up.

Anonymous said...

PS: to my previous comment. Bilbies are very cute! (g)